September 17, 2022

Sponsored Products Ads

Optimizing your automatic targeting Sponsored Products ads is essential to your success.

How to Optimize Automatic Targeting Sponsored Products Ads

If you're an Amazon seller, optimizing your automatic targeting Sponsored Products ads is essential to your success. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your ads are reaching the right people and that you're getting the most bang for your buck.

Return to Your Automatic Campaign
The first step in optimizing your automatic targeting Sponsored Products ads is to return to your automatic campaign. You can do this by logging into your Amazon Seller Central account and navigating to the "Advertising" tab. From there, click on "Campaign Manager" and then select the campaign you want to edit.

Review the Data
Once you're in your campaign manager, take a look at the data to get an idea of how your ads are performing. You can see things like how many impressions your ad is getting, how many clicks it's received, and what kind of conversion rate you're seeing. This data will be helpful in determining which keywords are performing well and which ones are struggling.

Create an Advertising Report
Next, you'll want to create an advertising report. This report will give you a more detailed view of your ad performance and help you identify areas for improvement. To create an advertising report, log into your Amazon Seller Central account and navigate to the "Reports" tab. From there, select "Create Report" and choose "Advertising Performance." Be sure to select "Sponsored Products" as the report type. Once you've generated the report, be sure to download it so that you can reference it later.

Review Your Advertising Report 
Now that you have your advertising report, it's time to review it and see where your ad could use some improvement. Some things you'll want to look at include overall ad performance, individual keyword performance, and search term report. If you see any areas that are underperforming, make a note of them so that you can address them later.

Create a List of Poor-Performing Keywords  Once you've reviewed your advertising report, it's time to create a list of poor-performing keywords. These are the keywords that are not driving sales or generating clicks. To find these keywords, log into your Amazon Seller Central account and navigate to the "Keywords" tab. From there, select "Automatic Targeting," then click on "Search Terms." Once you've generated the report, filter out any terms that have a conversion rate of less than 1%. Be sure to add these keywords to your negative keyword list so that they aren't included in future campaigns.

Create a List of High-Performing Keywords  In addition to creating a list of poor-performing keywords, and you'll also want to create a list of high-performing keywords. These are the keywords that are driving sales and generating clicks. To find these keywords, log into your Amazon Seller Central account and navigate to the "Keywords" tab. From there, select "Automatic Targeting," then click on "Search Terms." Once you've generated the report, filter out any terms that have a conversion rate of 1% or higher. Add these keywords to your master list of keywords so that they can be used in future campaigns.

Continue to Run Your Automatic-Targeting Sponsored Ad  The final step is to continue running your automatic-targeting sponsored ad until all of your poor-performing keywords have been removed from rotation and replaced with high-performing keywords. By following these steps, you can be sure that your ads are reaching the right people and generating sales for your business. Thanks for reading!

Thanks for reading! These steps will help ensure that your Sponsored Products ads are optimized for maximum results. Be sure to check back soon for more tips on how to succeed as an Amazon seller.

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